La Dame de Onze Heures'blog

bonne arrivée

Dried Herbs

Organically grown, selected, harvested and dried

We grow and harvest the plants that we dry. They are in the process of being organically certified. Dried herbs are not the main focus of our activity, but depending on the seasons and opporunities, we make herbal teas and seasonings.

Herbal Teas

Infused dried herbs

Our herbal teas are ephemeral, and come from the harvest of our plot. They evolve with our supply and we frequently use various mints, verbena, linden, chamomile, lavender, hyssop or Scoth pine…


Culinary preparations of fragrant and medicinal plants

Less ephemeral than other preparations, our Zaatar is very popular. We use Oregano as the base material for this Middle Eastern seasoning.






